
“Fluency” was the capstone of my Masters’ thesis, a multimedia performance art piece involving film, dance, projection, and motion capture. The theme of the project was the experience of living in a world that both consciously and subconsciously contributes to the oppression of BIPOC voices. This piece also uses hip-hop (dance, music, and imagery) to explore how that culture and environment can be an unwelcome presence within affluent communities.


Director, Videographer, Editor, Choreographer


Creative Direction, Camera Operation, Production Coordination, Programming, Editing, TouchDesigner, Qualisys MoCap System


During the first stages of this project, I started by mapping things out on paper and thinking about my shot list. After filming and editing the three channels, I mapped each video to each of the three walls and then worked on the choreography. The dance worked in tandem with the visuals, so I had to keep the videos in mind while blocking my dancers.

The lighting system was directly mapped to a motion capture wristband worn by one of the dancers. Working with the motion capture system, as well as TouchDesigner for some of the visuals, were both new technologies that I had to learn while creating this piece. Finally, I put all of the pieces together for my live performance.



